VON ARDENNE: XEA|nova L - PVD-coating tool for high-volume manufacturing with a coating capacity of up to 12.000 wafers per hour. (© VON ARDENNE Corporate Archive)
VON ARDENNE: XEA|nova L - PVD-coating tool for high-volume manufacturing with a coating capacity of up to 12.000 wafers per hour. (© VON ARDENNE Corporate Archive)

From 26 to 30 September, VON ARDENNE will present its latest results in the development of PVD coatings for high-efficiency solar cells at their booth (A8/Mico North) and during presentations at the WCPEC-8 in Milan.

Dresden, 23 September 2022

The World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) combines the world's most important PV conferences with the European PV Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC), the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (IEEE PVSC) and the International PV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC). Thus, it provides the ideal platform for international exchange.

Highly efficient solar cells thanks to PVD coating

Soon, highly efficient solar cells will be essential to achieve the targeted climate goals and the shift away from fossil energy sources. N-type cell technologies such as TOPCon and heterojunction are the main concepts available for investing in production at gigawatt scale now. Solar cells with more than 24 percent or over 25 percent efficiency are already on the market. And the potential is not yet exhausted: the next leap to 28 - 30 percent efficiency is expected to be achieved in a few years with tandem technologies. This is a combination of two stacked solar cells for higher efficiencies in mass production.

The potential of the three technologies can only be leveraged with PVD coatings1. Thus, both heterojunction and TOPCon technology have already been able to challenge the previous standard (PERC cells) for significant market shares. A significant contribution to this has been made by the mechanical engineering company VON ARDENNE, which has already placed coating systems with an annual production capacity of 14GW on the market.

VON ARDENNE also has a pioneering role in tandem technologies: As one of the world's leading companies in vacuum coating technology and a specialist in scaling, the company is working with its partners on rapidly transferring this technology from the development and pilot stage to highvolume production for gigawatt factories.

Now, VON ARDENNE is presenting the latest results of its development work on heterojunction, TOPCon and tandem solar cells at WCPEC-8 in Milan.

1 PVD (physical vapor deposition) describes a variety of vacuum deposition methods, e.g. sputtering or evaporation


Ein­la­dung zu Vor­trä­gen und Prä­sen­ta­tio­nen

Su­chen Sie nach Mög­lich­kei­ten, die Ef­fi­zi­enz Ih­rer Pro­duk­te im Gi­ga­watt­be­reich zu stei­gern? Wol­len Sie die neu­es­ten Ent­wick­lun­gen in der So­lar­zel­len- und Mo­dul­her­stel­lung ken­nen­ler­nen?

Auf der Ver­an­stal­tung stel­len wir fort­schritt­li­che Be­schich­tungs­an­la­gen für n-Type- und Dünn­schicht- So­lar­tech­no­lo­gi­en vor und zei­gen, wie wir Sie bei der Stei­ge­rung der So­lar­ef­fi­zi­enz un­ter­stüt­zen kön­nen.

Wir freu­en uns auf Ih­ren Be­such uns an un­se­rem Stand: A8/​MiCo North

Sie sind eben­so herz­lich ein­ge­la­den, un­se­re Pos­ter­prä­sen­ta­ti­on, Vor­trä­ge und Bei­trä­ge in Dis­kus­si­ons­run­den zu be­su­chen:

Monday, 26 Sep­tem­ber 2022

Visual Presentation, 2AV.1.39

Sput­te­ring of NiOx for HTL in Perovs­ki­te Tan­dem or Sin­gle Junc­tion Ap­pli­ca­ti­ons

  • 13:30 - 15:00 Perovskite Photovoltaics
  • René Köhler (Senior Engineer Technology)
  • Poster Area (Silver

Wednesday, 28 Sep­tem­ber 2022

Roundtable Discussion:

Glo­bal chal­len­ges for PV Ma­nu­fac­tu­ring and De­ploy­ment at an an­nu­al Te­ra­watt Le­vel

  • 13:30 - 15:00
  • Dr. Sebastian Gatz (Vice President Crystalline Photovoltaics)
  • Industry Forum (Exhibition Area)


PVD sys­tems on a GW sca­le, to­day & to­mor­row

  • 4:15 p.m.
  • Dr. Sebastian Gatz (Vice President Crystalline Photovoltaics)
  • Industry Forum (Exhibition Area)

Thursday, 29 Sep­tem­ber 2022

Oral Presentation 1DO.12.4:

Po­ten­ti­al of Sput­te­red AZO Lay­ers for the In­dus­tri­al Ma­nu­fac­tu­ring of He­te­ro Junc­tion So­lar Cells (in co­ope­ra­ti­on with HZB and Fraun­ho­fer ISE)

  • 11:15 Silicon Manufacturing and Material Issues
  • Dr. Eric Schneiderlöchner (Director Crystalline Photovoltaics)
  • Auditorium Blue 2

Visual presen­ta­ti­on, 1DV.4.40:

Sin­gle Si­ded High Throug­h­put Sput­ter Pro­cess Tech­no­lo­gy for In-Situ Do­ped n-Type Amor­p­hous Si­li­con Lay­ers for High Ef­fici­en­cy TOP­Con So­lar Cells (in co­ope­ra­ti­on with ISC Kon­stanz and Fraun­ho­fer ISE)

  • 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Cha­rac­te­ri­za­ti­on & Si­mu­la­ti­on of so­lar cells
  • Dr. Eric Schnei­der­löch­ner (Di­rec­tor Crystal­li­ne Pho­to­vol­taics)
  • Pos­ter Area (Sil­ver)



26 - 23 September 2022

A8 / MiCo North

Ingo Bauer
Tel.: +49 351 2637 9000
Fax: +49 351 2637 308



VON ARDENNE develops and manufactures systems for the industrial vacuum coating of materials, such as glass, wafers, metal strips or polymer films. Depending on the application, these coatings are one nanometer to a few micrometers thin and give the materials new functional properties. Our customers use these materials to produce high quality products, such as solar cells and solar modules, architectural glass and vehicle glazing, fuel cells, lithium ion batteries or microelectronic components for sensor systems and optics. Systems and components provided by VON ARDENNE make an important contribution to protecting our environment. They are crucial when producing products that help to consume less energy or that generate energy from renewable resources.

With more than 60 years of experience in electron beam technology and over 45 years of experience in magnetron sputtering, VON ARDENNE is a pioneer and worldwide leading supplier of systems and technologies in PVD thin-film and vacuum process technology. We offer our customers technologically mature vacuum coating systems, comprehensive expertise and global service. The key components are developed and manufactured in-house at VON ARDENNE.
