In-Situ Measurement Systems
for Vacuum Coating

In-situ mea­sur­ing sys­tems com­bine the re­sults from dif­fer­ent coat­ing steps within the coater and help mon­i­tor the coat­ing process. They are es­sen­tial for qual­ity con­trol and for min­i­miz­ing the time for ad­just­ments.

To achieve that, the lay­ers are char­ac­ter­ized and mon­i­tored by mea­sur­ing their trans­mit­tance, re­flectance, re­sis­tiv­ity and other op­ti­cal prop­er­ties.

Would you like to learn more? Then take a look at the brochure, or contact us directly.

Continuous quality assurance

and parameter control

Industrially proven & coordinated metrology

for various layer properties

High quality yield

through comprehensive & fast characterization

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SALES Contact

Am Hahnweg 8
01328 Dresden
