Displays for Consumer Electronics
Vacuum Coating Equipment & Technologies

As a manufacturer of displays for consumer electronics, you need flexible coating equipment that can keep pace with ever shorter innovation cycles. You also require maximum productivity and low coating manufacturing costs to be globally competitive.

With VON ARDENNE, you have a partner who meets these requirements. We offer coating systems tailored to your needs, such as the GC120VCR. This allows you to apply transparent conductive oxide (TCO) coatings. Further applications are metal mesh, scratch protection and anti-reflection.

Would you like to learn more? Then click on the content below or contact us directly.

Highly productive equipment

through short tact times

Excellent coating layer uniformity

throughout production campaigns

Modular equipment design

for various customer requirements

Customer Portal "myVA" Now Available

It's here: the myVA Customer Portal. VON ARDENNE has developed it with the aim of simplifying interactions, providing valuable insights and increasing…

10.06.2025 - 12.06.2025
GPD Finnland 2025

Tampere, Finland


Dr. Knut Barthel

Senior Manager IndustryVON ARDENNE GmbH
