Large-Area Optics
Coating Equipment for Telescope Mirrors & Large Apertures

Are you look­ing for coat­ing so­lu­tions for large op­ti­cal sur­faces with ex­treme­ly high re­quire­ments for ap­pli­ca­tions such as as­tro­no­mi­cal re­flect­ing tele­scopes?

Our mag­ne­tron sput­ter­ing tech­nol­o­gy of­fers you the pre­ci­sion you need.

In pro­fes­sion­al tele­scope con­struc­tion to­day, sin­gle mir­rors with a di­am­e­ter of more than eight me­ters are used. Be­fore coat­ing, these mir­ror op­tics are pol­ished to an ac­cu­ra­cy of 20 nan­o­me­ters. The sub­se­quent de­po­si­tion of high­ly re­flect­ive alu­min­um, gold, or sil­ver lay­ers must not wors­en this de­vi­a­tion from the ide­al par­a­bol­ic or hy­per­bol­ic shape of the mir­ror. This means that it must al­so be coat­ed with an ac­cu­ra­cy of a few nan­o­me­ters.

We at VON ARDENNE have built up the tech­nol­o­gy and en­gi­neer­ing ex­per­tise re­quired here over dec­ades. As a re­sult, we pro­vide large-ar­ea and spe­cial coat­ing sys­tems pre­cise­ly for this pur­pose.

Would you like to learn more? Then click on the individual products below or contact us directly.

Highest reflectivity & resistance

through magnetron sputtering technology for metallic coatings & annealing

Contour-compliant deposition precision

 thanks to dynamic process control

Coating of large aperture surfaces

through customized special designs

Highly Reflective Coatings
Coating Example

Customer Portal "myVA" Now Available

It's here: the myVA Customer Portal. VON ARDENNE has developed it with the aim of simplifying interactions, providing valuable insights and increasing…

Coating Technology on the Summit

This article was originally published in the magazine Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis. It focuses on mirror coating for the Large Synoptic Survey…

No news available.
Michael Schneider

Industry Manager OpticsVON ARDENNE GmbH
