monitoring all component lifecycles

Preventive Maintenance Solution

Efficient­maintenance is crucial to min­imize pro­ductivity losses and max­imize the ser­vice life of your ma­chines. This is ex­actly where the VA Main­tenance Mon­itor comes in - the an­swer to the chal­lenges of your mod­ern main­tenance prac­tice.

Dynamic main­tenance plans in real time

The VA Main­tenance Mon­itor re­volv­es the way you main­tain your ma­chines. Thanks to its ad­vanced tech­nology, it cre­ates dy­nam­ic­ally gen­er­at­ed main­tenance plans based on live data from your fa­cility. This means that you no longer have rigid schedules, but can carry out main­tenances exactly when it is need­ed. This not only saves time, but also sig­nif­i­cantly re­duces un­nec­essary down­time.

Data en­richment for pre­cise main­tenance de­ci­sions

But the VA Main­tenance Mon­itor goes one step fur­ther. It en­riches your ma­chine's live data with com­pre­hen­sive in­form­a­tion that is crucial for ef­fec­tive main­tenance. You not only re­ceive a no­ti­fi­ca­tion that main­tenance is re­quired, but also clear rec­om­mend­a­tions on what ac­tions should be tak­en. This makes your main­tenance work not only more ef­fi­cient but also more cost-effect­ive.

Advantages of the VA Main­tenance Mon­i­tor at a glance:

Real-time main­tenance sched­ules: No more guess­work about when main­tenance is re­quired. The tool will tell you ex­actly when.

Minimiz­ation of down­times: Pre­cisely plan­nable main­tenance work in­creases pro­duc­tivity.

Cost effi­ci­ency: Avoid ex­pen­sive re­pair­s by pro­ac­tive­ly con­ducting main­tenances.

Extend the ser­vice life of your ma­chines: Tar­geted and time­ly main­tenance keeps your e­quip­ment in top shape for long­er.

 Say good­bye to out­dat­ed main­tenance prac­tices and rely on in­tel­li­gent, data-driv­en de­ci­sions.

Would you like to learn more? Then take a look at the brochure, or contact us directly.

Your Challenge - Our Solution
Your Challenge - Our Solution

Dynamically generated maintenance plans

based on the system's operating data

Simple maintenance documentation

thanks to checklist functionality (maintenance log)

Independent adjustment

of maintenance cycles

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No news available.
Jana Schilling

Technical Sales ManagerVON ARDENNE GmbH
